Friday, May 10, 2013

new painting and other bits of life

updating this blog has not been easy, but here is a big mix of life in the past few weeks. first, a painting i recently finished for a friend, 60x80cm, acrylics on canvas.

then there has been (among sporadic and futile attempts to finish two book projects and an animated video):
a lot of wondering around with friends old and new from around the globe, wine drinking on terraces, an amazing exhibition, copious amounts of fried zucchini flowers, a weekend trip to florence as we celebrated one year. spring is being kind.


electricwave said...

il dipinto è particolare,mi piace..

illustration poetry said...

your acrylic painting is so delicate, wish i could paint like you...

MamaZombie said...

io ti consiglio di andare a vedere (se non l'hai già fatto) il soffitto di una delle stanze principali del palazzo dove sta la facoltà di Filosofia alla Sapienza (è una sede staccata), ha un'affresco meraviglioso di alberi e uccelli!